​​Equipped with Trans-Galactic drive, Earth's first Intergalactic Cruiser travels to galaxies near and far on missions of peaceful exploration for the Galactic Coalition of Planets, a federation of worlds scattered throughout the Milky Way galaxy. It’s the year 2525 and these are the chronicles of the Galaxy-One.
"The Sagittarius." In this first episode the Galaxy-One is returning from Andromeda Galaxy when the crew discovers the "Sagittarius," one of the Coalition's old FTL Starships thought to have been destroyed nearly a decade earlier. The ship is still intact but floating powerless in a nebula near the galactic core. After boarding the derelict it's discovered the Sagittarius’ entire crew had been murdered and ejected into space, save one, her Captain, who appears to have fled in his personal shuttle. Tracking the shuttle to an alien world the crew learns the Sagittarius’ Captain is still alive but must stop him from assisting a former enemy in an all-out invasion of the Milky Way galaxy. A gripping story of trust and betrayal.
I started writing "Galaxy-One" in the late 1980s so I have many pages of backstory and character development. Click on the following links if you'd like to know more about the world of "Galaxy-One."
​After writing the script I was inspired to compose a theme song for the show which uses elements of the song “In The Year 2525” with an obscure John Phillip Sousa march titled “Battaglia." I also borrowed some computer graphics from an obscure sci-fi show to create a faux opening sequence. Astute fans will recognize the ship and crew from the short-lived sci-fi show titled "Crusade." This video is used only to demonstrate the type of CG needed to produce Galaxy-One and convey a concept for the show's opening. I hope you enjoy!